Understanding the Differences Between a Real Estate Attorney and a Tax Attorney

Tax AttorneyIf you are a small business owner, then finding a competent tax attorney in Loveland, CO is crucial to your success. Many small business owners make the mistake of trying to handle their taxes by themselves without ever becoming educated on local, state, federal, and even tax planning, all of which can be extremely complex. In some cases, small business owners may even find themselves facing audits by various government agencies with regards to their tax return, resulting in additional fees. There are many great resources available that can help you become more educated in the area of tax law, including various publications, online seminars, and local tax services.


The vast number of local, state, and federal taxes can create an overwhelming tax burden for any small business owner. Small business tax attorneys know what is needed of your enterprise from a tax standpoint, and already understand how to preserve records properly. They also are familiar with business tax payments, especially taxable income, s standard deductions, and also what is required of your corporation from a tax planning standpoint.


Some small business attorneys also have experience in real estate taxation. Real estate tax consequences vary widely depending upon your place of residence, your ownership interest, and your level of involvement within the business. You may want to retain a business attorney who has experience working with properties and depreciation that may apply to you. Depending upon where you live, property taxes can either be levied per acre or per unit, with each of these assessed at a slightly higher rate. Additionally, when you are purchasing real estate, you may want to check to see if there are any special credits that can apply to your particular purchase.


Real estate taxes can be complicated and quite possibly undervalue the property you are purchasing. For this reason, it is important that you work with a qualified Colorado tax attorney that is familiar with the ins and outs of real estate law. In particular, you may want to discuss any issues that are of concern regarding potential heirs, such as siblings, a spouse, or parents. Additionally, you might consider discussing estate planning for your children, which includes issues regarding trusts, gift properties, and even revocable trusts.


You may also have concerns other than those mentioned above regarding estate tax planning. For instance, you may be interested in incorporating in a particular state, or you may wish to conduct business in multiple state throughout the course of your life. Even if you are planning on doing business in one particular state, having a qualified estate tax attorney on hand will make certain that your state tax liability is properly calculated. This will not only help to ensure that you do not owe a penalty for a difference in state tax liability, but it will help to ensure that you maximize your tax savings at the end of the year.


It is important to realize that tax attorneys are very different from probate lawyers. Probate attorneys are typically involved in the preparation of deceased individuals’ estates, while tax attorneys are primarily involved in preparing and implementing a person’s federal and state tax liabilities. While both types of legal professionals can provide an invaluable service to the individual concerned, they each serve a very different purpose. With so many different aspects of a person’s life on the line, it is wise to make sure that you engage the services of a professional who is capable of dealing with the various aspects of your life in order to ensure its smooth transition.

Tax Attorney’s Duty in Protecting a Person Charged with Tax Fraud

It seems that everyone who files their federal tax return runs into some form of IRS audit. In fact, it is so common that we actually have a term for what IRS auditors usually do-they audit their own tax return. For the tax filer, this can be very scary and frustrating, said an IRS tax settlement lawyer in Richmond, VA. In most cases, a tax auditor will ask questions about why you made certain decisions with your tax return and look for any evidence that will help them determine if you committed tax fraud or a tax violation.

Do Not Call IRS. When you receive a notice from the IRS that your tax due is being audited, it is important that you do not call IRS immediately. First, the IRS will give you a notice explaining that they are auditing the tax due based on certain tax law matters. Second, most tax law experts (and most tax attorneys) strongly recommend not contacting IRS in advance of an audit. Most tax law experts will advise that you wait until after an audit has been conducted in order to determine if you owe additional tax liability or not.


Contact Your Tax Lawyer. If you feel that you are likely to need the services of tax attorneys during your IRS audit, then you should definitely contact tax law firms and agents that specialize in representing tax payers. Taxpayers often hire tax law attorneys in order to gain advice regarding the tax issues that they face with their tax return. Hiring tax law experts allows you to gain objective advice from tax attorneys who are experienced in tax law matters and have knowledge of IRS regulations and laws.


Do Not Make a Counterpleasure to Avoid an Audit. One of the ways that tax attorneys and other tax experts typically advise clients not to communicate with the IRS is to not do anything to try to prepare for an audit. Most of us tend to become overly familiar and prepared for an audit. We begin to think in terms of strategies and defensive procedures in order to best prepare for such an audit. Although communication is required between you and the IRS, you should not make it worse by preparing for another audit.


Do Not Ignore Your Personal Records. You should be very careful not to destroy your personal records even if you feel that you are being audited. Auditors (in most cases) are only looking for proof of income or tax liability. In some tax law issues, the person being audited may also be looking for proof of criminal behavior which is perfectly legal according to the tax codes.


Most tax audit lawyers and tax law professionals will tell you to turn over all documents that are relevant to the audit request to minimize the time it takes for the audit to be completed. It is also important to cooperate with the IRS agents, so as to give them a better idea of what tax liability you may be facing. IRS agents have a legal mandate to collect all evidence they can from you. If cooperation does not solve the problem, then you may need to hire additional help from tax audit attorney and/or tax law firm.